
A few days ago, Israel’s finance minister told a crowd in Paris that “there is no such thing as a Palestinian people.” Israel is known as “the sole democracy in the Middle East.” He worked hard to make this claim seem plausible and believable.

He delivered a eulogy at a Likud activist’s funeral while seated at a podium adorned with a map based on the crest of an extreme Zionist group that not only denies the existence of Palestinians but also annexes territory in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.

Diplomatic tensions with Jordan have risen as a result of Smotrich’s comments and the fact that he supported this vision of a “Greater Israel.” The occurrence was reported on by media outlets as though it were shocking or novel, whereas various diplomats indicated.

I was astounded to witness such unusual responses. What exactly about this is startling

Smotrich has made statements this violent and racially offensive before.

He was charged with planning a terrorist act in the past, which he has refuted. Also, he has a lengthy history of making racist and harmful claims, such as the claim that David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, “didn’t finish the job” in 1948. As a warning to Arab Knesset members in 2021, he said this.

In this sense, the Nakba of 1948—the forced eviction of all Palestinians from their homeland—was Ben-“effort.” Gurion’s Evidently, Smotrich thinks that the expulsion crime should continue.

Following the recent pogrom that settlers committed in Huwwara a few weeks ago, he said the village should be “wiped out”.

Smotrich is quite clear and frank. This is his ideology. His political programme is replete with racism and violence towards Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world.