As was already mentioned, our five senses work together to create sensory memory. These memories are transient. They hang around for a short while before fresh ones are made and saved. They are connected to a recall that might be kept in your short-term memory after a reprocessing stage.
Classic Memories
You can connect it to what you see. It keeps memory for a short while, and how long memory is kept depends on how brilliant the image is. The longer a picture may remain, the brighter it is.
These are the visual memories. The phrase “iconic memory” refers to the transitory recall of what you saw just before turning out the lights. Take yet another illustration. Imagine driving past a farm where cows are grazing in a car. When you cross the field, the cows are usually the last thing you see.Another illustration of an iconic memory is your ability to recall the names of businesses and establishments as well as their signage as you passed a line of buildings alongside a road.
Emotional memory
This type of memory involves your sense of touch. Pleasant sensations, pressure, soreness, and itching could all be present. Haptic memory allows you to identify items you are touching.
Everything that uses touch as a sense makes use of your haptic memory. For instance, this memory helps you understand what is happening by preserving the sensation of a raindrop on your skin.
Aromatic Memory
Odor is linked to this memory. After inhalation, a smell quickly travels to the parts of the brain that facilitate long-term memory. Your olfactory memory helps you recognize flavors because food molecules that you chew enter your nose. Simple flavors like sweetness can only be tasted if you are unable to smell them. Olfactory senses are necessary for complex flavors.
Guilty Recall
Olfactory memory and this sort of memory are strongly related to one another. Your tongue’s five major tastes—salty, sweet, bitter, and sour—are detected by gustatory receptor cells, which let you recognize these flavors in food.